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Thinking of joining a work-travel program, but “it’s so much cheaper to travel alone”…?

So you want to join Hacker Paradise. Maybe. 

But it’s crossed your mind that “it’s so much cheaper to travel alone or work from home”. Well, it’s time you hear about where the real value of Hacker Paradise (HP) lies, from the people that know best.

We asked four ladies who lunch… (And climb mountains to watch sunsets… drive through canyons to get to explore neighboring countries… and work on laptops at the beach, but I digress.) “Why did you join HP and what does it mean to be a part of the #HPFamily?”

We also asked; “How is it different than joining a stationary co-living facility or traveling solo and going to Facebook group meetups?” Here’s what they had to say.

Editor’s note: Three of these four women were on their very first HP trip when we chatted with them, however, we’re happy to say that since then, they all went on additional trips. See where in the world you can join them here.

remote-worker-exploring-ubudEmily doing Bali things.

Emily Bahe, HP Croatia and Bali

“Before HP, the only way I knew how to “adult” was following a very linear path – get a degree, get a job in said degree, work your ass off, put your roots down somewhere and don’t veer from that path. HP has squiggled that line a little bit for me – in a good way! This group is showing me new ways to approach a career, travel, home, and “adulting”.

There are so many great organized activities, but my favorite HP events are the non-events. The beachside beers and dance parties that happen after a potluck-gone-long. Or beach-bar takeovers, huddling eight laptops around the only available outlet because it’s 75 degrees and perfectly sunny in mid-October and no one wants to stay inside.

And the impromptu beach workout led by your fitness-loving roomie that ends your months-long hiatus from organized exercise. Okay… maybe my favorite part of HP is the beach? But really, these non-events are awesome because they’re combining the normalcy of home with the excitement of a new city and people.

To me, being an HP-er means having a thirst for something new and different. Whether you’re joining for a few weeks here and there as an escape from the routine day-to-day at home, or for a couple of months to kick-start a new project or career direction, or as a long-term lifestyle of exploring new places all over the world… that desire for a fresh perspective and a bit of spontaneity seems to be in all of us.

My first HP trip in three-ish word would be new friends, new ideas, and new passport stamps.”

– Emily Bahe

Digital nomads in Cape Town, South AfricaProfessional Dancer Kendra giving us some tips on the beach in Cape Town

Kendra Cannoy, HP Cape Town and Croatia

“Before HP I felt a bit lost on how to handle the details of working remotely and now I feel more capable and confident that I can travel and work where and when I want.

My favorite HP activity is the weekly “talks” because you get to dive into a diverse range of topics and hear from all the experts we have in the group.

As the owner of my own business, the biggest draw for me was having a community of digital nomads that prioritize their working hours, while being fun and adventurous travelers.

To me, being an HPer means being a part of a community of driven individuals who say YES to their dreams and design a life around their goals.”

– Kendra Cannoy

remote workers exploring Split
Jenn and Sara just swimming in a Croatian waterfall, NBD.

Jenn Chu, HP Croatia, Palermo, Vietnam, Osaka, Taipei

“Before HP I lacked a social life. I always wanted to make friends but never knew how to. I also always got sick while solo traveling, and being sick makes me lonely.

My favorite HP activity is when I jump into my next HP trip because you get to see familiar faces again. Like this time in Split, I’m so happy to see Yakir, Lori, and Sara!

Our facilitator Sara is one of the most delightful sparks of joy that has happened in my life, and I love her pasta dishes. (Sara is 100% Italian and 100% facilitating HP Italy 2019 — It’s not to be missed.)

To me, being an HPer means you always have a home to go back to even when you don’t physically have one at the moment.”

– Jenn Chuu

remote-workers-cook-dinnerRachel with her fellow HP-ers for their weekly potluck. Because, food. 

Rachel Mathews, HP Cape Town and Croatia

“Before HP I mostly traveled by myself, but after HP I can’t imagine traveling any other way. I wish I’d done it sooner.

My favourite HP activity is REALLY hard to choose because there are so many great ones, but I think it’s the Monday lunches as it brings everyone together & HP pays! (wink!)

As the owner of my own business, the biggest draw for me was spending time with like-minded people who get what I do and can help with the areas I get stuck on (like tech!).

To me, being an HPer means being part of an awesome group of entrepreneurial explorers.

HP is my travel family!”

– Rachel Mathews

Ready to take the next step in joining our crew? Apply today! Want to hear more from one of our lovely alumni? Reach out to us & we will put you in touch!

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