You just upgraded your Bucket List: Hello Taiwan
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You just upgraded your Bucket List: Hello Taiwan

So. We’re going to Taipei.

@Hacker Paradise: WHY DO I WANT TO GO TO TAIPEI?

WE’RE SO GLAD YOU ASKED. Ever dreamed of having your fortune told by a bird? Getting your caffeine fix in the form of a tea tasting in a forest? Eating at a hello kitty themed café? 

We are proud to present, Taipei: The Bucket List destination you never knew you needed. In preparation, we have compiled a list of the unforgettable experiences we are mentally adjusting for. Uh hem.

Big Luck Master: The Psychic Bird

It’s finally your time to look deeply into the eyes of a white java sparrow and say, in all seriousness, “hello my fine feathered friend.” Because nestled in an underground shopping mall at the Longshan Temple subway station, you’ll find Miss Chen and her birds (Big Luck Master and Big Fortune) who together will pull cards from a tarot deck and earnestly interpret your future and life path. I mean, there’s not much more to say on the subject?


Eat in a contemporary, toilet-themed restaurant

Sit on an actual toilet while consuming mashed potatoes or poo themed desserts. That’s the dream folks. Shitty idea? ……….. We’ll see ourselves out.

Hello Kitty Er’thang

Fun fact: Taiwan’s national airline is Hello Kitty themed inclusive of check-in counters. It goes without saying, this adorable cartoon kitty has taken the hearts of Taiwan, extending to a bright pastel restaurant in Taipei. Get ready to instaslam some Hello Kitty cappuccinos in bright pink and white polka dot booths, while taking a day to work from this cartoon cafe.


Let’s talk about the Elephant (Mountain) in the room

Into more outdoorsy stuff? Climb Elephant Mountain for a crazy view of the entire city. Check it out at sunset and watch the entire city light up as the sun sets behind it. A short, steep hike that is well worth a slightly elevated heart rate.

Hello Kitt(ies)?

If cartoon cats aren’t for you — check out the first ever cat café in the world. Chill with some real cats as you sip your coffee in this Asian concept cafe. 

And when you’re not exploring this kickass city, you’ll likely be killing it in the coworking space we’ve carefully picked to boost productivity and engage creativity. Now imagine all of this with a sick crew of creative, cool and quirky people to experience it with. It’s your future. Miss Chen said so — Apply here!


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